1. Expert advice

Supported by 80 years of experience in this business, we provide advices on the best existing gold and silver physical instruments, according to your budget and your investment objectives.

If you are interested, please contact one of our experts on our hotline: 0033 (0), available Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

2. The broadest product range on the market

Therefore, our 80 years of experience allow us to provide you with the broadest product range on the market: listed and unlisted coins, every sizes of ingots, bullion coins, numismatics, Paris Mint coins.

3. Our prices’ great competitiveness

Since our sales volumes are larger than our competitors, we can afford to apply a more competitive fee.

4.  The purity of our gold and our silver is guaranteed.

           •           The numismatics coins we sell are systematically PCGS listed. PCGS are the undisputed leader of numismatics grading.

           •           Gold and silver coins used as investment are carefully checked by two experts before their sending. Those deemed as poor quality are immediately took off the market then melted.
In addition, gold and silver coins bought from our company are packaged in sealed bags, thus guaranteeing their quality. These bags also make it easier to resale your coins at the market’s best price. We systematically use sealed bags for free.

           •           The same apply for our one-kilo ingots, accompanied by a dated and signed certificate from an accredited assayer.


5. The option of purchasing gold and silver either online (phone or Internet) or in store.


Godot & Fils is modernizing itself! Not only can you buy your gold and silver in on of our Paris stores, but you can also invest by ordering coins or ingots on our website: www.silvergoldtobuy.com or with your phone using our number: 0033 (0)

6. In the event of a distance sale, you can choose to be home-delivered, or to see your gold and your silver kept in custody in our vaults.


We can directly ship your gold and your silver to your home thanks to our transporter, or keep it in a secured vault. Not only does it provide you with a very secure service (similar to a bank’s vault) but it also provides you with another major advantage: we are in possession of your gold and your silver. And thus, should you ask for it, we would be able to resell it immediately on the market.

7. Sell back your investment gold and silver coins, ingots or gold jewelry


Do you wish to resell your ingots, gold coins or jewelry? No matter your gold origin, we are committed to purchase them from you if you order a “Gold Kit” from our website or buy calling our number: 0033 (0)
