Gold and Livret A: a race against time in the investment market

The 26/09/2022 in "Customer information"

Gold is one of the oldest investments and therefore inspires great reliability.
Because of its universal value, this precious metal is much less subject to monetary and financial policies than other investments.

If you want to grow your investment portfolio, there are several investments that will allow you to improve or maximise your returns, such as the Livret A.

So how do you compare these two financial investments and which one should you choose? 

Let's compare these two financial investments.


The Livret A: a secure and limited investment 

Diversification of investments is recommended to better protect the investments made and to improve the resulting returns. 

Indeed, when you diversify your savings, the risks linked to market volatility are lower. You can therefore invest in several investments, such as the Livret A.


The Livret A was created more than 200 years ago and is the most popular savings instrument in France.

In fact, since 2018, there have been nearly 55 million savers who have invested the equivalent of more than 255 billion euros.

Despite its low return, some investors are attracted by the security of this investment.

However, over the last five years, the remuneration of the Livret A has stagnated at around 0.75% and will even fall to 0.50% from February 2020.

Although the government's objective is to increase the interest rate to 3%, these measures will not allow investors to save in the Livret A with certainty, but rather to diversify their investments, for example by investing in gold.


Gold: a financing alternative to savings 

Gold is a precious metal that can be used to diversify your investments.
You can therefore invest part of your savings in gold to take advantage of fluctuations in the price of gold, particularly in times of crisis.


Also, with the rise in the price of an ounce, the famous yellow metal is considered a "safe haven". It would offer stability and security to protect you from the consequences of the economic situation.


Gold is also a hedging asset. As it does not produce a return, it is seen as a hedge against inflation: when interest rates are low, investors turn away from the various capital bonds that could bring them little return compared to gold.


Moreover, in inflationary times, it would be interesting to invest in this precious metal to protect oneself against rising prices, such as by investing in ETFs, gold coins or gold bullion.


Therefore, gold can be considered as a protective asset against inflation, a way to develop your long-term profitability through this investment as well as a way to secure your investments or your patrimony in order to anticipate your succession.

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