The Byzantine Empire existed for several centuries and was the heir to ancient Greco-Latin culture.
It was a vast geographical area covering the eastern Mediterranean basin, stretching from Italy to the Balkans and southwards to Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine.
Straddling the border between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, between Rome and Constantinople, the coins of the Byzantine Empire are the artefacts of a conglomerate of cultures spanning a thousand years of history between the 4th and 15th centuries AD.
The iconographic characteristics of Byzantine coinage
Also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire was a Christian empire that in its early days was favoured by a series of reforms under Emperor Constantine, who adopted Christianity as his personal religion and promoted its expansion.
One of the great attractions of Byzantine coins lies in their link with the history of art and the Catholic religion.
The theme of Christianity was used extensively in the coinage of the descendants of Constantine the Great, with crosses, angels and representations of Christ forming the basis of Byzantine monetary iconography, as seen on the solidus of Justinian I in particular.
The persistence of the imperial cult and the Roman iconographic tradition
On the other hand, in Rome, and later in Constantinople, there was a genuine imperial iconography that reflected a political and religious doctrine that was the very foundation of Byzantine power. These are the "survivals of the Roman imperial cult", present in the solidus of Justinian I.
It is representative of this imperial iconography, with the crowned and clothed illustration of the Byzantine Emperor holding the insignia of power.
In addition, the legend used to highlight the emperor's glory still remains, in this case "D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG", literally: "Our Lord Justin". literally: "Our lord Justinian, father of the fatherland, august".
This coinage is therefore an eloquent testimony to the important evolution of Roman and Byzantine civilisation, reflected in the coinage with its new iconography and symbols.
Whatever the case, coins have always been an important expression of historical events, reflecting political, economic and religious movements.
Discover today a list of 10 gold Byzantine coins waiting to join the medallions in your collection !
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