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Buying gold: coins or bars?

The 08/02/2022

Because of its rarity, physical gold is an asset whose value is not destined to depreciate in the years to come. On the contrary. An economic or health crisis, a political conflict, galloping inflation... These are all events that can convince more people to invest in this safe haven.

Investing in gold: bars or coins?

To buy gold, individuals can choose between physical gold (bars and coins) or paper gold. As a reminder, paper gold is a share representing a part of the capital of a listed company. Its value is subject to hazards such as strikes, armed conflicts, balance sheet depreciation, etc.

With regard to physical gold, the question arises: is it more interesting to invest in gold coins or gold bars?


Gold bullion: advantages and disadvantages

Buying gold bars and storing them is a financial choice that needs to be carefully analysed for individuals looking for the best possible return.

  • Gold bars come in many sizes: from 1 gram to 12.5 kg. The possibility to invest according to your available budget.
  • Gold bars are indivisible when resold
  • Bars are more suitable for large investors who wish to optimise their long-term storage solutions


Gold coins: advantages and disadvantages

There are two types of gold coins: collector and investment.

  • The value of the former depends on its rarity and historical context. Its value will not be correlated (or almost not) with the % of gold it contains.
  • The value of bullion coins evolves with the price of the precious metals of which they are composed.
  • Napoleon francs (commonly known as Louis d'or) are easily exchangeable and very popular in France and around the world.
  • Coins are more valuable than bullion
  • Coins can be resold independently, so you can have savings if you need them without selling them all.

Coins or bars, physical gold remains a solid bulwark against economic hazards such as inflation or the depreciation of real estate assets. 

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