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4 Tips on buying and storing gold

The 16/11/2023 by La rédaction Godot & Fils

Our website achat-or-et-argent.fr is the e-commerce site of GODOT & FILS.  Launched in 2011, we have been advising you carefully since then on buying and selling as well as conserving your gold. 

In this article, you'll find advice from our traders, who specialise in the sector. 

What forms can gold be bought in? And why? 

Before taking the plunge and deciding which gold investment to opt for, investors should ask themselves the following question: What are my goals? What are my preferences? 

Here are some of the most common forms in which you can buy gold: 

Gold bars: Gold bars are blocks of refined gold produced by a manufacturer in compliance with manufacturing, labelling and administrative standards. These products are ideal for people who want to focus on investment and have a budget to match. 

Gold coins: Easy to trade on marketplaces around the world. Gold coins are products that appeared as a means of payment at the end of the seventh century BC in Lydia. Each coin represents

Bullion: Gold bullion has a denomination of at least 995 thousandths, generally 999.9. They come in sizes of 10, 20, 1 troy ounce, 50, 100, 250 or 500g, with the cost of casting sometimes accounting for a premium due to their smaller size.


How are gold prices determined? 

The gold market is a complex global market where gold is bought, sold and traded. It operates in much the same way as other financial markets, but has some unique characteristics due to the precious nature of gold. As with any market, the price of gold is determined by supply and demand. The supply of gold comes from a variety of sources, including gold mines, recycling and central bank sales. Demand for gold comes from various sectors, including industry, jewellery, technology and investment.

The price of gold is generally quoted in troy ounces (about 31.1 grams) and is expressed in US dollars. Exchange rate fluctuations can also influence the price of gold.
Although it does not directly control the price of gold, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) plays a key role in setting standards and best practice for the trading of physical gold and gold futures. It is involved in setting the benchmark price for gold, known as the London Gold Fixing or LBMA Gold Price. This fixing takes place twice a day and is widely used as a benchmark for gold transactions around the world.

The price of gold itself is mainly determined by global supply and demand, as well as economic, geopolitical and financial factors.

We invite you to download the free Godot & Fils mobile application to follow gold prices live, to help you optimise your investments in precious metals.

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 Where to store your gold?

Gold storage is an important issue for many investors, as gold is often considered a safe investment and a store of value. There are several options for storing gold safely. The best option is a safe deposit box.


We advise you to use the services of coffre-fort-privé: https://www.coffrefortprive.com/qui-sommes-nous, which offers ambitious and innovative storage solutions: the rental of private safes.

You benefit from the same level of security as storage in a bank safe without the constraints of bank storage (restrictive access, obligation to open an account, uncertainty in the event of bankruptcy of the establishment, possible interference by the State, etc.).
You can also store your precious metals in shared vaults, as offered by our safekeeping service: Gardien'Or . This shared safekeeping and storage service is secure, practical and inexpensive. You can arrange for your gold to be stored when you buy products on our site, and when you choose your delivery method.

How do you store your gold?

As all gold holders know, it is much better to keep your gold sealed. Sealed packaging guarantees the authenticity and purity of the gold inside, because it is checked and sealed by experts. Seals are numbered and recorded to allow precise tracking of each bar or coin. Sealed packaging guarantees that the gold has not been altered or counterfeited. Sealed gold coins and bars are also easily traded on the international gold market, as they are recognised and accepted. 
Overall, gold holders who plan to hold their investment for many years or even decades often choose to store it under seal to guarantee its integrity over time.

Ultimately, buying gold is a real investment strategy. It needs to be tailored to your financial situation and objectives. That's why it's a good idea to consult a precious metals expert before making any major decisions about buying gold. Your advisers are available on 0 800 119 119 .

How is the gold market taxed? 

French law distinguishes investment gold and silver from other forms of physical gold and silver. 

Investment gold and silver are exempt from VAT when purchased, but are subject to special taxation when resold. 

Read our article on the subject: Taxation of the gold market: we tell you everything


By La rédaction Godot & Fils

Passionate and expert in the field of buying and selling precious metals, we put our expertise at your service to offer you in-depth analyses of gold and silver financial news. Driven by the desire to provide you with clear, reliable and relevant information, we ensure that each piece of content is both precise and concise. Our aim is to help you better understand market trends so that you can make informed decisions about your investments. Through our articles, we offer practical advice, decoding of major economic events and technical analysis to maximise your investment opportunities. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, our content is designed to help you succeed in your precious metals investments. Follow us so that you don't miss out on any market developments and benefit from an expert's view of gold, silver and the economic dynamics that shape their value.

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