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Sparkling carats : from the refinement of the jewellery to the opportunity to buy it back

The 26/04/2024 by La rédaction Godot & Fils

In today's global economy, the market for precious metals, particularlygold, is subject to constant fluctuations. Against this backdrop, more and more people are turning to the sale of gold jewellery as a way of profiting from these fluctuations and securing their finances.

Buying back gold is becoming a common practice, but to maximise the benefits, it is essential to understand certain key concepts.

This requires careful analysis of the market and informed decision-making. Let's take a closer look at the impact of carats on the value of gold jewellery and the importance of selling gold in a rising market to optimise your financial portfolio.

Decoding and carat values

In the world of gold jewellery, the hallmark is a priority. This small symbol, discreetly engraved on the surface of a piece of jewellery, indicates the purity of the gold and guarantees its authenticity.

As well as guaranteeing the quality and purity of the gold, the hallmark also provides assurance to buyers about the authenticity of the jewellery. By verifying the presence of the hallmark and understanding its meaning, consumers can make informed decisions when buying gold jewellery, ensuring that they are investing in valuable pieces.

Moreover, hallmarks vary according to the region and legislation in force, but they generally include essential information such as the carat of the gold, the manufacturer or jeweller, and the country of origin. The carat inthe hallmark is an indication of the proportion of pure gold in the jewel.

The carat refers to the quality and value of precious metals, and represents a unit of measurement. Often confused with the carat for diamonds, the carat is also used to assess the purity of gold.

It also indicates the proportion of pure gold in an alloy. For example, a piece of 24-carat gold jewellery is 100% pure gold, while a piece of 18-carat gold jewellery is 75% pure gold, with the remainder generally made up of metals such as silver, copper or palladium to reinforce its strength.

Now that we have clarified the meaning of the term 'carat', let's discover the different nuances of this measurement in the world of jewellery, ranging from the most modest to the most precious carats, while examining their impact on the quality and value of the pieces that bear them :


  • 9 Carats : with just 37.5% pure gold, 9 carat jewellery offers a more affordable but less precious option. They are popular for their durability and aesthetic appeal, even though they contain less gold than the higher carats.


  • 14 Carats : At 58.5% pure gold, 14 carat jewellery is a popular option for those looking for a balance between quality and durability. They offer a beautiful golden hue and are often used for everyday jewellery.


  • 18 carat : with 75% pure gold, 18 carat jewellery is considered a premium brand. They offer a perfect balance between the richness of pure gold and the durability required for precious jewellery.


  • 24 carats : the ultimate in purity, 24 carat jewellery is made from 100% pure gold. Although magnificent, they are also the most flexible and therefore less suitable for jewellery worn on a daily basis.

Buying back jewellery : an opportunity worth seizing


With gold prices soaring, buying back jewellery is becoming a financing option for jewellery owners looking for cash or reinvestment. With the value of gold soaring, unwanted or unused jewellery can represent a veritable goldmine hidden in household drawers.

So buying back jewellery could maximise your financial benefits. Firstly, it frees up funds quickly and easily, offering a practical solution to urgent financial needs. Secondly, in a climate where gold prices are constantly rising, now is a good time to capitalise on the growing value of precious metals.

What's more, buying back jewellery offers a number of tangible advantages that make it an attractive option :

Immediate liquidity and asset enhancement

One of the key benefits of jewellery buy-back is its ability to provide liquidity quickly and hassle-free. By converting gold jewellery into cash, owners can meet urgent financial needs or invest in other opportunities.

Many households also keep gold jewellery that is no longer worn or has gone out of fashion. This jewellery, often relegated to the back of a drawer, actually represents dormant assets that can be transformed into a valuable source of income through buyback.

Simplified transactions and a bulwark against inflation

While inflation can erode the value of fiat money, precious metals such asgold retain their intrinsic value. So buying back jewellery offers an opportunity to protect and preserve the value of your assets over the long term.

What's more, by selling gold jewellery, owners can reinvest the funds in other, more profitable assets or financial opportunities, thereby helping to maximise their wealth.

In conclusion, buying back jewellery would provide a financing alternative for those looking to benefit from the rising value of gold and optimise their financial portfolios. By converting gold jewellery into immediate cash, owners can not only meet urgent financial needs, but also capitalise onthe intrinsic value of precious metals in an ever-changing economic environment.

If you are thinking of buying back your jewellery, don't hesitate to get a free valuation of your goods or jewellery on our site. We will provide you with an accurate valuation by one of our precious metals experts.

By La rédaction Godot & Fils

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